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Tentative List of Exercises (to be completed individually)

  1. Visual Program with Keyboard/Mouse Input- Due Tuesday Jan 20
    • Create a visually responsive program using processing that responds to keyboard and/or mouse input. Think of it as a visual/graphic instrument that can be played live. Look at the following for inspration: 1930 animation by Oscar Fischinger, this one by Norman McLaren , this by John Whitney (early pioneer of computer art), or this by Len Lye and this by Harry Smithand finally one from Stan Brakhage. We encourage you to explore more of these artists work on your own. Most of these are abstract animations, were artists have literally painted the animation frame by frame on the film. Your exercise requires you to create a more interactive experience. Your piece may be abstract, use shapes, colors, text, images, animation, physics.
  2. Physical I/O
  3. Find Data, Parse Data, Transform and transcend Data by Similarity
  4. Classification
  5. Clustering


Assignments (to be completed as group except for #1)

Documenting your assignment:
  • Concept
  • Execution
  • How well did it achieve your concept
  • Lessons learned, proposed alterations
  • Use lots of pictures, videos, etc.
    • capture museum installation thoroughly
  1. Art that learns – due Jan 15
    • Conceptualize an Installation project around the concept of “Art that Learns”
    • Present your idea on 800 x 600 image (gif or jpg) and post it to our blog
    • Your image/post should contain a drawing/diagram that visualizes your idea and a description explaining your thoughts
    • Think about themes/topics you are interested in
    • Think about Inputs/Outputs/Black Boxes
    • You do not have to be able to build this but stay in the world of possibilities
  2. Art that learns – due Feb 22
  3. Art that learns – due Apr. 25


Assignments will be evaluated based on their aesthetic and conceptual qualities. All Assignments and presentations must be completed in order to pass the course. They will be given a score from 0 to 3. Late assignments will reduce the numeric score of the assignment to a maximum of 2. Assignments are only considered complete when they are accessible from the class Blog (the project must be documented). More than 3 absences without the teacher’s permission before the class meetings will result in a full point off the overall grade. If a student is late 3 times, this will count as an unexcused absence. Peer evaluation will count for 10% of overall grade.

Projects will be on the following:
40% Concept – Breadth and depth of idea
40% Execution – Quality (craftsmanship), relevance and innovation of your final piece to your concept
20% Documentation – Clarity of presentation

Student will be assessed by the following:
Process: 25%
Breadth and depth of idea generation and exploration, evaluation of ideas. And development and refinement of selected ideas
Work: 50%
Quality, relevance and innovation of your final piece, craftsmanship, verbal presentation, documentation, and understanding of key points
Participation: 15%
Articulation of ideas, contribution of constructive criticism, value and frequency of comments given, and attention to class activities
Attitude: 10%
Attendance, meeting of deadlines, demeanor, and commitment to this classes and your work